Valoració del coneixement de les infermeres sobre la lactància materna: projecte de recerca
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Breast milk is the food that the newborn receives from his mother. The World Health Organization
recognizes human milk as the ideal food for all babies, as it brings many benefits to both mother
and baby. Globally, 95% of babies are breastfed at some point in their lives. In Spain, the
prevalence of breastfeeding during the first 6 weeks of life is 71%. The literature identifies factors
negatively associated with the practice of breastfeeding, including the lack of support and
promotion provided by health professionals. On the other hand, different breastfeeding support
groups are often emerging, often led by nurses. Thus, nursing is a key factor in the breastfeeding
process. However, there is insufficient evidence of the knowledge that these health professionals
have. The aim of the study is to identify nurses ’knowledge of LM and perceived training on it
during nursing undergraduate and postgraduate studies. For this study a mixed design will be
used: a quantitative methodology (descriptive observational design through an ad hoc
questionnaire), and qualitative (design when generic through a focus group). The study
population will be nurses from the Primary Health Care area of the Girona Health Region