El discurso gubernamental de Ecuador y Perú durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Facebook = Government speech in Ecuador and Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic on Facebook
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The COVID-19 pandemic changed the routines of reporting and feeding of information and, as never before, the Ministries of Health took center stage, about its management and crisis communication. The objective of this study was to identify the components of the government discourse with the great-est relevance, on the pandemic, exposed by said ministerial cabinet from the first cases of COVID-19 in Peru and Ecuador, as well as to determine thereactions of the audiences consequently of interactions with the content presented. The approach was qualitative from a case study. The techniques applied for data collection were observation and metric analysis. Among the main results, there is a notable difference in the way of approaching communication: in Peru, its government focused on the safety of citizens, pronouncing itself as a close protector of society, with more optimistic publications, supported mainly by a video and based on a permanent campaign; The Ecuadorian government centralized its discourse on the number of cases, on the infected subjects, with separate, moderate and neutral communicative units, essentially rested with images