Ecosystem functioning of Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons: ecosystem metabolism, main drivers and phytoplankton community

Confined coastal lagoons are shallow and dynamic water bodies that play an important ecological role. Considering the severe degradation they have been facing in the last years, understanding the functioning of these habitats for their proper management and conservation is essential. Nowadays, one of the most important descriptors of ecosystem functioning is the metabolism, the use of which has increased with the application of the free dissolved oxygen (DO) technique and the development of more affordable and reliable sensors. Quantifying metabolic rates as well as identifying the factors that contribute to their temporal and spatial variation are very important in assessing these ecosystems behaviour and their response to future changes. Thus, the aim of the thesis was to estimate the ecosystem metabolism of a set of Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons in La Pletera salt marsh identifying the main drivers of its variation and its application to study phytoplankton ​
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