Prevalencia del riesgo de adicción a sustancias en adolescentes: su relación con el estilo de apego, las varias dimensiones del autoconcepto y las características de temperamento

The main objective of this study is to know what relationship exists between the representations of the attachment and the dimensions of self-concept and temperament with the consumption of psychoactive substances in a sample of adolescents between 13 and 19 years old. Different specific objectives are proposed: 1) Determine the prevalence of risk of addiction to psychoactive substances in adolescents between 13 and 19 years old, 2) Explore the relationship of this risk with the representations of the attachment and the dimensions of self-concept in this population, 3) Analyse the relationship between attachment and self-concept, 4) Analyse the influence of temperament and attachment when it comes to explaining a possible risk of addiction to substances, 5) Analyse what dimensions of these two constructs, temperament and attachment, better predict the risk of addiction to substances, and 6) Evaluate the degree to which temperament and attachment correlate with each other. ​
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