Experimental Study on the Utility and Future of Collaborative Consumption Platforms Offering Tourism Related Services

Berbel, Gaspar
Muñoz González, Mónica
The present study analyzes four well-known online platforms used in the tourist industry for travelling, accommodation, eating, and touring (Blablacar, Airbnb, Eatwith, and Trip4real). The objective is to analyze the utility of the portals, intentions for future use and recommendation (prospective), and reputation. The method is an experimental design with a control group and experimental group. Within both groups, three scales were applied. The results indicate clear differences between the control and experimental groups, valuing above all the utility and the intent to use again when the group is exposed to the portals from a needs-based situation (experimental group). The analysis demonstrates a factorial structure that validates the model. At the same time, the results indicate a greater interest in using Trip4Real over BlaBlaCar. Generation Z, the youngest generation, shows greater confidence in the services and greater interest in using tourism related collaborative consumption platforms in the future ​
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