Estudio multi-caso sobre disfunciones vocales en futuros maestros de música: una aproximación biopsicosocial
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The teaching profession involves an intensive use of the voice as a communicative means and a basic tool for managing activity in the classroom. In the specific case of the music teacher, full management of their own sound abilities has a great impact on the quality and self-satisfaction of their daily work. This research investigates the causes and effects of vocal dysfunctions in pre-service music teachers. The focus is on biopsychosocial elements linked to the personality, behaviour, and expectations of the sample group. This is a group of five students who suffer voice disorders from a student’s group (N=124) specialising in primary music education at a Spanish teacher training university centre. Individual interviews were carried out in double sessions including phonation exercises and they were video recorded to be analysed. Each participant carried out a personality test NEO PI-R, using a revised and standardised version in Spain. After an exploratory analysis, using categorisation and triangulation of sources, the results reveal a strong correspondence between voice disorders, environment, behaviour, and personality elements. For instance, hi gh records on neuroticism and responsibility factors are coincident in the five individual profiles. The study concludes that the importance of voice disorders in the student’s professional future, which emerges as an element of anguish and uncertainty, needs mentoring, training, and prevention