A pragmatic approach to negotiation and co-construction of meaning in intercultural second language acquisition
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This doctoral thesis focuses on negotiation and co-construction of meaning within a pragmatic
perspective. We analyse chat and videoconference exchanges within the project
Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language Acquisition (TILA) in which native and non-native
English and Spanish pupils at Secondary Education levels negotiate and co-construct meaning,
and discuss the pragmatic mechanisms allowing to adequate interaction. We analyse the
mechanisms undertaken (e.g. requests, explanations and politeness strategies) and how the
presence of native speakers may affect communication, and compare the mechanisms in terms of
the digital application used. The thesis includes a didactic proposal in English and Spanish
aimed at enhancing pupils’ pragmatic competence and at promoting meaning negotiation and coconstruction
in language acquisition. We display multimodal tasks designed to be tested in the
TeCoLa project as well as classroom activities to develop students’ pragmatic competence and
make them aware of the essential role that pragmatics plays in communication
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