El Poder dels sentits : impacte del màrqueting sensorial en el comportament de compra del consumidor en temps de la COVID-19
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Sensory marketing has always been one of the most powerful tools for influence consumer buying behavior. The origins of sensory marketing is found in one of the most important figures in Greek philosophy. In 367 BC, Aristotle stated, "There is nothing in the mind that has not passed through the senses before." This shows how essential the senses were when it came to capturing attention of the mind, long before marketing was born as we know it today. At the Over the years, this “tool” has been sharpened and refined to be the most efficient
possible. According to Kotler (2010), marketing 1.0 focused on the mass sale of standardized products. Later, 2.0 marketing emerged in which the consumers were well informed about the features of the products and could compare before making a decision. Marketing focused on the consumer