Paisatges sonors en temps de pandèmia

Cullell Codina, Enric
We often mistakenly identify silence with the absence of sound, when the reality is full of a rich soundscape, which artists such as John Cage or Susan Philipsz have explored to talk about these lives of sound communication, with the aim of offering a new perspective of reality. Nowadays, due to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, the silences of the cities and towns brought a new vision of the sonorous reality and the impact it had on society, the environment and all the spheres that involve them. It is for this reason that the present work aims to demonstrate the importance, the necessity and the effect of sound and its absence during the state of alarm and confinement. In order to last in time, the analysis of the compositions «4'33”» by John Cage and «Sorround Me: A Song Cycle for the City of London» by Susan Philipsz and a practical part with which the work agrees to demonstrate the effects ​
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