Longitudinal study of hazardous alcohol consumption in second generation immigrants

Casanova Garcia, Carla
BACKGROUND Immigration is an important phenomenon in our country, a 10% of the current population in Spain are immigrants and their descendants, the second generation immigrants, are a relevant part in our society. Alcohol abuse is a common practice in the teenagers of our society, but it is understudied in the second generation immigrants. Since they are a relevant part of our society, it is important to know their alcohol consumption, and which are their protective and risk factors for alcohol abuse to make preventive strategies more adequated to them and to prevent future mental health disorders. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of hazardous alcohol consumption during the adolescence period of the second generation immigrants respect the other teenagers with native parents. DESIGN This study is designed as a multicentre prospective observational cohort study that will be carried out in all the Secondary schools of Salt and Santa Eugènia. In total, 6 schools will participate in the study. PARTICIPANTS The main participants will be the second generation of immigrants born in Spain aged 12-13 years old at the beginning of the study. The control group will be formed by teenagers with native parents, also aged 12-13 years old. METHODS Information will be recorded directly from the participant interview and tests performed during the 6 years follow-up. This data will be stored in our data base for posterior analysis ​
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