Evolució del front marítim de la zona portuària de Barcelona de la tardoantiguitat a l’edat moderna
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Barcelona is linked to the sea and its history is closely related with the evolution of littoral patterns. Beach sandy barriers have triggered areas which could be suitable for anchorage and port activities. Present paper tried to describe Barcelona littoral changes with the aim to locate and characterize anchorage areas before the construction of breakwater structures during 15th and 16th centuries. With this aim, sedimentological and chronological data have been recovered in the Besòs delta plain, allowing the study of more than 200 geological cores. The presence of silty clay organic rich beds indicates the existence of depressed sectors which were protected by sandy bars. These areas could reach depth of waters of 7 m and, for instance, be suitable areas for anchorage between the Late Antiquity and the Late Middle periods