Effects of environmental conditions on phenotypic plasticity of fishes in Iberian waters: life-history, physiological and morphological traits

Latorre Espeso, Dani
Phenotypic plasticity is the adaptive response of a genotype to presenting different types of phenotypes in response to environmental changes. These adaptive responses can contribute to a particular species being able to occupy a particular habitat or habitats and thus expand its range. This thesis studies some aspects of the mechanisms of invasion, establishment and expansion of the invasive species Alburnus alburnus in different basins of the Iberian Peninsula and provide more information for a better understanding of its biology and mechanisms of invasion. On the other hand, it also aims to compare the morphology, metabolism and critical swimming speed of two fartet populations, one captive and one wild and to use this information to apply it to captive breeding programs and improve the management of reintroductions of captive-bred individuals into their natural habitat ​
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El Segura