O direito à margem do direito. O direito indígena: perspectiva emancipatória e dimensão do pluralismo jurídico
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One of the great conflicts, nowadays, is the effectuation of human rights when a country has culturally different peoples such as Brazil, where, in addition to the lack of respect and recognition by the right of these peoples, which is peculiar to each ethnic indigenous, there is also absence of specific legislation to consolidate them. It is then, reserved to them, a place on the sidelines of society and of the laws concerning to them, which causes countless conflicting situations and often leads to the situation of maximum restriction of freedom: incarceration. The Federative Republic of Brazil recognized the fundamental rights of the indigenous peoples. Among these rights, it is the right to the right itself: The Indigenous law. Some solutions are presented to cease the antagonisms among Statal Law, Indigenist Law and the indigenous communities' own law, here named Indigenous law. Intercultural dialogue is urgent so that, within legal pluralism cultural justice is achieved
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