Causas y efectos de los afectos y la regulación emocional sobre la recuperación física y la adquisición de recursos personales en deportistas adolescentes chilenos

In recent years, the evidence about the influence of emotions, emotional states and their regulation on sports and physical activity has increased considerably (Cece, Guillet- Descas, Nicaise, Lienhart, and Martinent, 2019; González, Garcés de los Fayos, López- Mora, and Zapata, 2016; Laborde, Dossevill and Allen, 2016; Ruiz, Raglin and Hanin, 2015; Sabatier, Restrepo, Moreno, Hoyos De los Rios, and Palacio, 2017). Suppporting this ideae, Hanin (1980, 1986, 2007, 2010), through a model based on individual areas of optimal functioning (IZOF), considers specific emotional patterns that reflect optimal levels of individual performance. For that reason, he proposes that meanwhile anxiety increases muscle tensión does it too, and on the other way arround attention tends to decrease. Likewise, the new reasearch tendency in the sports area has relationship with the influence that emotional states have on athletes when they compete, making emotional regulation one of the most interesting psychological variables to study, because there are different variables that influence them. In this context, the theory of self-determination of Ryan and Deci SDT (1985, 2002) emphasizes that the subjective well-being of the athlete would be constructed from basic psychological needs such as autonomy and social relationships influenced especially by the environment ​
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