Distribución geográfica, predicción espacial y diversidad de los hábitats litorales en la costa catalana

Cefalì, Maria Elena
According to the Habitats Directive (92/43/ECC) a habitat is defined as “the terrestrial or aquatic area, whether entirely natural or semi-natural, differentiated by its geographical, biotic and abiotic characteristics, in which the species live in any state of their life cycle”. Moreover, according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), each member state has to characterize the diversity of its natural marine spaces by means of the habitats cartography, represented by their biotic characteristics and using appropriate classifications systems. In Catalonia, to fulfill these needs, an exhaustive cartography of the littoral habitats was carried out, characterizing and identifying them according to Corine Biotopes, EUNIS (European Nature Information System) classification and LPRE (Lista Patrón de los Hábitats Españoles) whether they grow over rocks, sand, gravel, pebbles or mud. The littoral zone can be divided into three levels: supralittoral (rarely submerged and usually affected by splash), mediolittoral (emerged and usually swept by the waves) and infralittoral (usually submerged). Organisms are distributed vertically following the humidity gradient and generating a gradual and continuous succession of different communities/habitats from the supralittoral level to the upper infralittoral level. Data derived from the characterization, identification and accurate cartography of coastal marine habitats on rocky shores along the Catalan coast, has allowed the development of this Doctoral Thesis that is divided into three main chapters, two of which have already been published in Scientific Journals ​
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