La ciudad y el templo: religión cívica en la Barcelona moderna (XVI-XVIII)

At the end of Middle Ages, Barcelonese authorities had extended their authority over areas which, in principle, were exclusive competence of the Church, such as charity, morality or education. This historical phenomenon –conceptualised by historiography with the expression ‘civic religion’– is part of a general trend throughout Europe, so that urban governments did not want to leave in the hands of the clergy those issues that were part of what they considered to be of collective interest. This thesis analyses the phenomenon of civic religion in early modern Barcelona, i.e. the intervention of municipal power in the religious sphere that was manifested, above all, in the control and tutelage exercised over urban religious institutions, specially those run by women; consolidation of patronage over churches and chapels; the creation of a municipal welfare system; constant promotion of religious life; and, finally, the creation of a network of saints to protect the city. In this context, City and Church were fighting to expand their respective power spheres which, far from being totally delimited, were constantly being redefined. To conclude, confrontation with the Neapolitan case will be able to introduce new perspectives or approaches in the analysis of the above-mentioned phenomenon ​
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