Target analysis and suspect screening of wastewater derived contaminants in receiving riverine and coastal areas and assessment of environmental risks
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The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of wastewater discharges on receiving riverine and coastal ecosystems by studying the occurrence and fate of emerging contaminants (ECs). Since there is a myriad of ECs present in the environment, this thesis mostly focused on two main groups of compounds: (i) endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), including natural and synthetic hormones, alkylphenols (APs), such as nonylphenol (NP) and octylphenol (OP), and the plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA), and (ii) pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs). These compounds were selected because they are one of the ECs of major input into the environment, thus being considered as “pseudo-persistent” pollutants, and for their potential deleterious effects to non-target organisms. Besides these target ECs, this thesis also evaluated the occurrence of other groups of contaminants by using high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Finally, an assessment of the environmental risks posed by the identified ECs has been done in order to select the compounds of major ecological concern and those that could be used as relevant markers of wastewater contamination in freshwater and marine ecosystems. To accomplish the thesis objectives, two different analytical approaches have been used: (i) quantitative target analytical methods to determine the two groups of selected ECs (13 target EDCs and 81 PhACs that belong to nineteen different therapeutic groups) using reference analytical standards, and (ii) suspect screening using HRMS and exact mass compound databases (360 ECs)
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