Identidad gráfica para un equipo de biomedicina universitario: consiguiendo notoriedad = Graphic identity for a biomedical university team: gaining visibility
The aim of this article is to present the work carried out by communication researchers within a biomedical engineering group that works against breast cancer at the University of Girona (Spain). It will gradually detail how the identity of the group was developed, how the storytelling was built, how we construct a Strategic Communication Plan, and the concrete and specific actions to achieve two objectives: to be visible and to obtain extra funding. It was assumed that one objective should be linked to the other.
This paper is a real world application. It is based on the theoretical perspective of Institutional Theory as understood by Macagnan (2013), and the philosophy put forward by Abratt and Kleyn (2011). They state that corporate identity and corporate branding are inseparable elements that shape the reputation of an organisation, in the same way as the role played by the public. Thus, the strategic communication plan that was developed followed the guidelines outlined by Scheinsohn (2009), the flexibility outlined by Matilla (2009) and following Capriotti (2009) in relation to the phases of strategic management and its relationship with the public.
First, we focused on seeking notoriety. The assumption was that by achieving visibility and awareness it would be more accessible to secure more funding. In other words, we tried to ensure that the biomedical contributions based on 3D engineering, developed within the team, did not go unnoticed. The mission of the project, called ONCOen3D, is to test new therapeutic targets against Triple Negative breast cancer, one of the most aggressive cancers, with a high degree of recurrence, which mostly affects young patients. The drug tests, which is one of the team's tasks, are tested, in our case, on matrices printed with 3D systems that, with low cost, allow many tests. This creative idea, the basis of the project, was absolutely unknown outside of academic walls, until this multidisciplinary research team incorporated experts from the area of communication.
Thus, communicative actions were devised, scheduled and focused on different audiences to achieve notoriety. To begin with, the name and visual identity of ONCOen3D was created: a logo, a graphic identity embodied in communicative elements of dissemination (flyers, roll-ups) and institutional videos hosted on the corporate website. The videos explain and present the work both to a more specialized and scientific public, or to a more generalist public: patients, families and organizations supporting breast cancer patients. Other actions were aimed at achieving the second objective: to seek funding outside the usual channels of the university. Visits to the laboratories were scheduled to introduce the institutions and organizations with which we normally collaborate, and to engage new potential sponsors.
Another event planned was the organization of a solidarity market for emerging talented designers. In addition, the informative story was constructed to present ONCOen3D in society through a classic technique of Public Relations: the press conference. The results were more than 50 impacts in national and international media; a remarkable publicity was obtained. This international presence prompted ONCOen3D to compete in the 3D Printing Academy Awards 2019 and win the Best Healthcare Application 2019 award.
Therefore, these initial responses show that, with the multidisciplinary nature of the teams, dissemination is more effective in terms of both positioning and reputation. This project conceived and implemented with a Spanish public university is serving to give visibility to science
El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el trabajo realizado por investigadores de comunicación en el seno de un grupo de ingeniería biomédico de la Universidad de Girona que lucha contra el cáncer de mama. Se detallará paso a paso cómo se gestó la identidad del grupo, construyendo un relato y un Plan de Comunicación. El objetivo de arranque buscó que las aportaciones biomédicas basadas en la ingeniaría en 3D, desarrolladas en el seno del equipo, no pasaran desapercibidas. El proyecto ONCOen3D, gestado e implementado en el seno de una universidad pública, sirvió para dar visibilidad a la ciencia. La misión del proyecto es el ensayo de nuevas dianas terapéuticas contra el cáncer de mama Triple Negativo, uno de los más agresivos en pacientes jóvenes. Los tests de medicamentos se prueban en unas matrices imprimidas con sistemas 3D que, con bajo coste, permiten muchos ensayos. Esta creativa idea era absolutamente desconocida, fuera de los muros académicos, hasta que el equipo multidisciplinar incorporó a investigadoras del área de comunicación. Así, se ideó un Plan de Comunicación, con estrategias y acciones para conseguir un doble objetivo. Por un lado, dar a conocer esa línea de investigación a su entorno social más inmediato y por otro, conseguir más financiación. Las acciones implementadas están dirigidas a los diferentes públicos de la institución. Desde la construcción de una identidad visual, con una web, la confección de vídeos corporativos y otros materiales de diseminación, hasta la organización de una presentación del proyecto para conseguir publicity (rueda de prensa), o la organización de un mercado solidario. Por tanto, los primeros resultados evidencian que, con la multidisciplinariedad de los equipos, la diseminación es más efectiva tanto para conseguir visibilidad como también reputación
Universidad de Málaga. Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Públicas
Reproducció digital del document publicat a:
Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 2020, vol. 10, núm. 19, p. 201-222
Articles publicats (D-FLC)
Attribution 4.0 International
Identidad gráfica para un equipo de biomedicina universitario: consiguiendo notoriedad = Graphic identity for a biomedical university team: gaining visibility