Salut percebuda, patrons d'activitat física i autodescripció física en una mostra d'estudiants universitaris

González-Lafont, Araceli
he relationship between the practice of physical activity, diet and consumption of substances in young university students allows the establishment of healthy lifestyle patterns that can improve health in adulthood. This study was conducted with a representative sample of UdG students from all faculties and degrees. The results show that 30% are sedentary, 40% do not practise physical-sports activity, and only 50% of practitioners do so according to WHO recommendations. Only 26.2% follow a suitable diet according to patterns of the Mediterranean Diet. With regard to substance consumption, 95% of the sample consume alcohol regularly, especially at the weekend, 25% of this group consume above the risk threshold, and more than 22% consume high quantities more than once a month. 41% declare themselves regular smokers, while 50% of the sample (men and women) consume other substances above the risk threshold. The highest percentage of regular consumers can be found in the faculties of humanities, education and psychology. Most students (92%) consider their health to be good, although when asked about physical limitations or emotional problems, the score obtained is around the average in physical health and lower for mental health. From a gender perspective, although there is a positive relationship between healthy lifestyle habits with physical and mental health, this relationship is greater in men than in women. The results also show that students who regularly practise physical activity have a lower risk of consuming substances and better mental health ​
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