El concepto de 'poder constituyente'. Un estudio de teoría analítica del derecho

Baquerizo Minuche, Jorge
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This doctoral thesis consists of a conceptual study: an analysis of the concept of ‘constituent power’ in a legal key and through the instruments of analytical philosophy received by the theory of law. Throughout the five chapters, I will proceed to do the following tasks: i) a disambiguation of the meaning of the expression ‘constituent power’; ii) a clarification regarding how the concept of ‘constituent power’ relevant to the law is constructed; and, iii) a connective task, which involves relating or connecting the concept of ‘constituent power’ with other concepts that are used within legal theory in the explanation of the origin and the foundations of the law. The main objective of the thesis is to model the concept of ‘constituent power’ relevant to the law through its respective redefinition, describing and reconstructing in a better way the common uses and practices around this concept ​
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