L’associacionisme arqueològic a Catalunya en el segon franquisme i la transició. Estudi del cas del Grup de Prehistòria i Arqueologia del Museu de Berga
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The purpose of this research work is focused on the archaeological practice that was carried out from the archaeological associations in Catalonia. The Renaixença cultural movement claimed a glorious past in Catalonia during the formation of different European nations. The interest in the past led to the fact that in the late nineteenth and beginning twentieth centuries, archaeological associations were a reality in Catalonia. They were mainly organized around scientific hiking. These archaeological associations arrived to the culmination in the Second Republic. In the first so-called Franco regime, the Comisaría General de Excavaciones Arqueològicas, led by the falangist Julio Martínez Santa-Olalla, used the network of archaeological associations that Pere Bosch Gimpera had used for archaeological knowledge of the territory of Catalonia since the beginning of the 20th century. The Decree of December 2, 1955, abolished this commissary and gave birth to the Servicio Nacional de Excavaciones Arqueológicas. This date roughly coincides with what historiography identifies as the second Franco regime. It has been verified that the new organization of archaeology in this second Franco regime continued to use this network of archaeological associations. Each place in the Catalan territory had its own particularity and demanded an investigation by itself. In this work, the Grup de Prehistòria i Arqueologia del Museu Municipal de Berga is a case study, that since 1965 had direct permission from the Dirección General de Bellas Artes for the practice of archaeology in the territory of the Berguedà
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