El testimonio único de la víctima en el proceso penal desde la perspectiva de género (2). Respuesta a los comentarios (Réplicas a las refutaciones de Quaestio facti, 1 2020)

Ramírez Ortiz, José Luis
In this paper, the author responds to the objections raised by Raymundo Gama, Roberta Casiraghi, Federico José Arena and Olga Fuentes Soriano to one of the theses formulated in the article «Single victim’s testimony and gender perspective in the criminal procedure (1)». Specifically, the thesis that the sole uncorroborated testimony is not sufficient for proof of guilt in a criminal proceeding as it cannot distort the presumption of innocence. The author concludes that approaching the law and its institutions with the tools provided by feminism can be a powerful engine of change for the achievement of a more equal legal system. At the same time, the author highlights that an uncritical reception of the contributions of gender perspective can contribute to the degradation of the constitutional criminal procedure model, masking the true roots of the problem of gender inequality ​
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