"Ki ore irat od Loovis": la vocazione dei cavalieri francesi alla Crociata. Per una lettura di RS 1548
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The contribution is devoted to the anonymous song «Chevalier mult estes guariz» (RS 1548a), transcribed during the second half of the twelfth century on f. 88 of the composite codex Erfurt, Universitätsbibliothek, Dep. Erf. Codex Amplonianus 8° 32. The jointed transmission of text and music for a lyrical form with refrain and responsorial structure makes this crusading song — the earliest extant exemplar in Old French — an outstanding witness. The contribution highlights the leading role played by the musical execution, underlined by the rewriting of the refrain last line with an extra-neume entered above the text possibly serving the practical purposes of the reader-singer
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