La identidad de los barrios de Buenos Aires y la marca ciudad = The identity of Buenos Aires quarters and its place branding
Texto Completo
This document describes the research that has
been carried out to determine the identity of 20
of the neighbourhoods of the city of Buenos Aires
Its aim was to detect potential opportunities for
tourism development purposes in different selected neighbourhoods in order to be able to divert the tourism flow to “cold” areas of the city,
enabling to define new strategies orientated to
promote the tourism. This is an exploratory study
with a qualitative approach where the neighbour´s
perspective was the priority from where to analyse
the identity of the selected neighbourhoods. The
underlying assumption was that, as neighbours
take ownership of their main areas of their neighbourhoods they live in and they intervene them
they will be convening visitors from the rest of the
city, the country or the rest of the world.
During the course of the investigation, this assumption turned into the hypothesis that was confirmed afterwards