La guerra civil catalana i la crisi financera de Barcelona durant el regnat de Joan II (1458-1479)

Miquel Milian, Laura
The intention of this doctoral thesis is to study the municipal finances of Barcelona in the fifteenth century and to see how far this economic indicator may serve to establish what kind of impact the so-called “late medieval crisis” had on the Catalan capital. Specifically, starting from the different historiographical theories that have looked at the question, the repercussions of the Catalan civil war (1462-1472) on the municipal exchequer of Barcelona are analysed. To do so, the aim has been to study the state of the city’s treasury during the whole reign of King John II (1458-1479), in oder to observe what state it was in before, during, and after the war. The study is divided into three main parts. The first, chapters 2 and 3, is devoted to the institutions that in one way or another influenced the development of the city’s finances: those of a governmental nature and those most directly responsible for the city’s treasury. This initial framework enables us to better understand the figures given in the following two parts, chapters 4 and 5, one focused on the revenue of the municipal treasurer and the other on his expenditure. The second part has been split into two groups, looking at the two main types of revenue that Barcelona had: the non-financial, made up of the council’s different taxes and incomes, and the financial, from short-term and, above all, long-term loans. With regard to the third part, functional parameters have been followed in order to classify the expenditure typologically into the following categories: administration (salaries, lawsuits, embassies...), services (supplies, works, the army...), monetary transfers (to the king and to the Diputació del General) and debt (annuities, basically). All told it helps to provide quite a complete view of the municipal finances during the reign of King John II and of the disastrous consequences of the civil war. It is also a good indicator for assessing, more generally, the situation of Barcelona after the war, confirming the theses that consider the war to have been a major upheaval for the city’s economy. ​
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