Percepció i experiència dels professionals d'infermeria davant la mort en una unitat de cures pal·liatives: projecte finalitzat

Maneja Juvanteny, Olga
Theoretical framework: Death is a concept that concerns all individuals who have a perception of time. Nursing professionals who work on a daily basis on a palliative care unit are constantly in contact with death and, therefore, there lies importance on knowing the implications of palliative care and its units, as well as the process and the perception of death by nursing professionals. Objective: Know the perception and the experience in the face of death by nursing professionals in a palliative care unit. Methodology: Qualitative phenomenological study. The data collection was carried out on the month of March 2020 through semi-structured interviews to four professionals. Three nurses who work at the palliatives’ unit of Hospital Santa Caterina and a student of fourth year who has done their internship at the unit. Ethical considerations: The present study has guaranteed the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants and has been accepted by an Ethical Committee in Clinical Investigation. Results: The interviews’ transcriptions have been analysed and the results have been classified through six thematic focuses: perception of death, emotional wear, educational training, experience, learnings, and satisfaction. Conclusions: The perception and the experience on nursing professionals in the face of death would be closely related with the characteristics of the user and with the experience of the professional itself. The lack of specific training in the field and the lack of resources are relevant characteristics for the participants ​
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