Característiques de les vivències afectivosexuals a la primera adolescència: projecte de recerca
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Individuals sexuality, biological nature and their concrete psychological, emotional, spiritual and social characteristics, are an essential part of the development of the adolescent’s personality. Nowadays some adolescents, conduct their sexual behaviours prematurely and without the psychological preparation to assume their full meaning.
The act of premature sexual relations can imply a shortage of sexual knowledge and emotional control, that can lead adolescents to risky behaviours, translating into possible sexual transmitted diseases, depression, or even unwanted pregnancy.
Classroom interventions are capitals on the improvement on sexual health knowledge. These involvements are more effective in the case of adolescents who have not yet had any sexual relation. Therefore, continuing with the above line of thought, nurse professionals would be considered a key piece on helping this concrete collective by designing an intervention plan, where it would be vital to value their thoughts and emotions, find out the sexual information that they have, observe their behaviour and hear their opinions and questions in relation to their needs on affective-sexual experiences.
Objective: To analyse the characteristics of the affective-sexual experiences experimented by adolescents between 12 and 15 years old.
Methodology: Will be a descriptive and cross-sectional study. It will take place during the year 2021. Combines quantitative methodology with qualitative methodology. An ad hoc questionnaire will be handed to 1st and 2nd year ESO students of INS Montgrí, located in Torroella de Montgrí. There will also be, two discussion groups, one of 1rst year ESO students and another with 2nd year ESO students. To analyse the quantitative data, we will be using the IBM SPSS 25.0 program, whereas the qualitative data will be studied with the NVivo 12 program. The results of the study can help to guide new programs for sex education in the adolescence