Tipus d'analgèsia i la seva utilització intrapart: projecte finalitzat

Hornillos Brugat, Carla
Background: Pain is a diverse component in its way of sociocultural manifestation and interpretation, and depends on multiple physiological and psicological factors. Labour pain perception as a health need would favour its acceptance. Salutogenesis can be associated with the need to promote non-intervention delivery, using non-pharmacological methods, thus increasing the sense of control. However, pharmacological measures are only focused on pain relief. Thus, knowing about the use of intrapartum pain relief methods is considered to be crucial in order to decrease medical interventions in labour. Aim: To know the use of intrapartum pain relief and its types. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study with a sample of 100 women. Data was obtained by an adhoc sociodemographic questionnaire and the VAS pain scale. Statistical analysis was conducted using non parametric tests for bivariant analysis. The significance level of acceptance was p ≤ 0.05. Results: A 91% of participants have used some labor pain relief method. The birthing ball is the non-pharmacological method most used (37%). The epidural is the pharmacological method most used (79%). Amerindian women report a higher pain level compared to Mediteranean-european women (p ≤ 0.05). Immigrant women report a level of pain higher than native women (p ≤ 0.05). Women who used hot water bottle reported more pain compared to women who did not use it (p ≤ 0.05). Women who used epidural analgesia reported a lower pain level compared to women who did not use it (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Epidural analgesia has been shown to be an effective method as an intrapartum pain relief. The birthingball is the prefered non-pharmacological pain relief method. The difference between the perception of pain according to nationality and origin has been noticed. Nevertheless, a higher sample is needed in order to obtain more variability in ethnic groups, as well as robust results. Further qualitative research is needed to assess the reason of choosing the thype of labor pain relief ​
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