Madres que optan por la lactancia materna prolongada: experiencia y activos en salud: proyecto de investigación

Galiano Fernández, Miriam
Introduction: Breast milk is the optimal natural food for the newborn, providing all the nutrients needed for growth and development, as well as numerous benefits for both mother and newborn. Guided by this reason, many mothers choose to prolong breastfeeding for a period of one year or more, sometimes resulting in different situations that cause mothers to live the experience in one way or another. As a support to prolonged breastfeeding, there are different health assets that mothers can use and thus achieve satisfactory experiences during at this stage. In addition, the nurse is one of the health professionals who accompany, care for, teach and help these mothers being an important factor in a society where prolonged breastfeeding and especially in public, presents prejudices and stereotypes. Objective: To study the experiences of mothers who opt for prolonged breastfeeding in the territory of Marina Baixa (Alicante). Methodology: Observational, descriptive and transversal study to be carried out between 1 July 2021 and 31 May 2022 using qualitative methodology. The population are mothers who have given or are currently giving breastfeeding to a baby in a period of one year or more in the last five years, selected through a consecutive sampling and who are users in the nine Marina Baixa health centres chosen. The in-depth interview and questionnaire will be used as instruments to collect the data and the results will be analysed by means of a transcription, configuration of categories and a selective coding using the triangulation of researchers. In the case of the variables obtained in from the questionnaire, will be use a descriptive analysis. This study has direct implications for nurses: the results will increase knowledge about long-term breastfeeding whith the aim of proposing nursing interventions to promote it, thus increasing the health of children and their mothers ​
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