Efectivitat d'una intervenció educativa sobre l'ictus a alumnes de sisè de primària: projecte de recerca

Serrat Palma, Marta
INTRODUCTION Stroke affects 17 million people worldwide each year, being the second cause of death in Spain and the first one in women. It is also one of the main causes of physical disability in adults. The low level of knowledge that the population has about this disease causes a late identification of the symptoms and a delay in their attention. It means that the person can not receive the treatment at time. If the population is empowered to deal with stroke and the identification of their symptoms, the patient will be able to receive the necessary attention earlier, in the therapeutic window, and this would contribute to reduce the morbimortality of this pathology. OBJECTIVES The general objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention in the child population about stroke and its signs and symptoms, introducing the FAST acronym. The specific objectives are: identify the knowledge that the child population have about stroke, check the usefulness of the FAST acronym technique to identify the signs and symptoms of stroke, increase children’s knowledge about stroke and their signs and symptoms and explain to the children the importance of calling 112 at the time of identifying a stroke during the acute phase. METHODOLOGY It consists in a quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective analytical study that will be developed from January to March of 2020-2021. It will take place in Vic, a city of Osona. The type of sample is a non- probabilistic sampling of convenience. Students who are in the sixth grade will participate in that program. They are in three different schools: Vedruna Escorial, FEDAC Vic-Pare Coll and El Petit Miquel. The sociodemographic variables to be studied will be: sex, ethnicity and education level of their parents. The study variables will be: location of the disease, stroke mortality, types of stroke, signs and symptoms, FAST acronym and reaction to a stroke. These variables will be studied using an ad hoc questionnaire, which will be answered before the educational intervention and three weeks later. The objective is to compare prior knowledge with the knowledge acquired and retained after the program. All the personal data provided will maintain the anonymity and confidentiality of volunteers students who have participated in that study. These personal data will only be treated for this study and for academic purposes. Results will be analyzed through the SPSS version 25.0 statistical package ​
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