L'educació sexual en persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual: intervenció infermera: projecte de recerca
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Intellectual disability (ID) is currently classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder.
This concept has evolved and, over time and decades, has become more socially
accepted. Even today, following evolution, persons with intellectual disabilities
are a vulnerable group with different difficulties and taboos in everyday life
The sexuality of the people with intellectual disabilities is something that it is not
common to talk or read about despite of the fact that they are one of the most risk
groups of sexual abuse. More research is needed on this subject in order to
propose new effective and adapted sex education programs for this social group,
giving them the opportunity to fully enjoy their sexuality. Prevention and health
promotion, recognized as nursing competencies, will be important to provide
patients more knowledge about sexual education. It will be necessary to put
emphasis on the formation of the nursing collective related to this topic to make
them be able to provide a good sexual education for people with intellectual
OBJECTIVE - To know the interventions that the nurses of Mental Health of
Gerona do to give a sexual education to the people with intellectual disability.
METHODOLOGY - This is a phenomenological study that will be realized
between the months of May 2020 - January 2021. The interventions that the
mental health nurses make on the sexual education to people with intellectual
disabilities will be known, as well as their own experiences in relation to the topic.
The technique for this will be a semi-structured interview that will be recorded.
The Atlas-ti software will be used for data analysis