Satisfacció de les infermeres i dels usuaris i usuàries respecte el model d'atenció transcultural: projecte de recerca
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In the present, a great amount of people lives in a country different from they were
born. In Catalonia, more than a million people are immigrants. The health of these
people might be at risk by the presence of barriers on the access and the use and
navigation of the health services increasing their lack of wellness. The diversity
obtained as a result of the coexistence of diverse ethnic groups in the same region
reclaim certain cultural competences based on the holistic perspective from the health
professionals. It is believed that every culture has their own way to perceive, behave
and express an illness, and, thus, the concept of health-illness may be different
depending on the sociocultural background. Commonly, decisions according to
people’s health are guided from the personal experiences, family and friends, social
networks, cultural thoughts, traditions and the health professionals’ opinions.
Therefore, it’s necessary to analyse the illness processes from a biological
perspective, its cultural construction and its social definition.
Objectives: To identify both nurses and clients of Girona’s health system satisfaction
among the provided or received attention according to transcultural nursing model.
Methodology: It is suggested to perform a qualitative and quantitative research study
whose design is descriptive and observational with phenomenological orientation that
will be done during a seven-month period on 2021. The study population will include
not only the nursing professionals working on primary health care and hospitalization
areas around Girona but the clients of these areas above the age of 18 with different
culture, ethnicity or religion. The selection of the sample will be done by probabilistic
cluster sampling in multiple stages. The variables and elements of study are orientated
to obtain sociodemographic information, related to the barriers and difficulties that can
be found on healthcare services, evaluation of the perceived attention, difficulties on
the approach of giving healthcare interventions among cultural diverse people and the
self-perception of the nursing while giving it, and, towards a recompilation of different
improvement suggestions that will lead up to a better relationship between nurse and
client and vice versa. As data collection tools, two ad-hoc questionnaires will be used
based on an exhaustive bibliographic review and the focal groups technique based on
some preestablished lines to obtain information about the study topics. Several groups
of informants will be done in order to load the information. The results obtained in the questionnaires will be saved and analysed with SPSS program and the qualitative data
from focal groups will be analyse by Atlas.ti program
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