Satisfacció de les dones durant el procés de part
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Introduction: Maternal satisfaction in childbirth experience is difficult to mesure due to it’s multifactorial etiology and influences. The Childbirth Experience Questionnaire CEQ was validated in Spanish as an adequate meseurament tool for maternal satisfaction levels in childbirth.
Objectives: Aim to know satisfaction in childbirth of women attended at Hospital Universitari Dr.Josep Trueta de Girona between March and June 2017.
Methodology: Descriptive and trasnversal pilot study using quantitative data. A convenience sample of 80 women answered the CEQ. Frecunecy distributions and univariate comparations were used for sociodemographic, clinical and satisfaction variables. Non parametric tests have been used to perform bivariant analysis with U-Mann Whitney, Kurskal Wallis, and Spearman Correlation. Siginificance levels of acceptance (p < .05).
Results: High levels of maternal satisfaction have been found [3,1(DS:0,54)]. Professional suport is the best scored ítem in CEQ [3,75 (DS:0,09)]. Scores in sense of security [3,12(DS:0,45)], own personal capability [2,83(DS:0,49)] and participation [2,88(DS:0,54)], have been high as well. Women are more satisfied if midwife is the professional atending the delivery (p < .05). High sighnificant levels of satisfaction have been found when spontaneous vaginal delivery occurs (p < .05). Partners presense increases sense of security and control (p < .05).
Conclusions: Levels of maternal satisfaction with childbirth are high, and the best item scored. Midwives are identified as the professionals who give more security to the women, reporting high levels of satisfaction. Partners presence is essential to increase participation and sense of control. Furhter research is needed in order to obtein robust results with a higher sample
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