Apel·les Mestres (1854-1936). La dignitat de la tradició literària popular

Robles i Massó, Marta
The doctoral thesis Apel·les Mestres (1854-1936). The Dignity of the Popular Literary Tradition aims to present a complete study of the literary work of Apel·les Mestres in order to raise awareness of the value that it has as a counterpoint, and often in opposition to the way that official Catalan literary historiography categorises the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries into three cultural movements: Renaixença, modernisme and noucentisme. In the last quarter of the 19th century, following in the footsteps of the poet and musician Josep Anselm Clave, Apel·les Mestres becomes the main bearer of the poetry in the modern Catalan way, known as el català que ara es parla and the main supporter of the contemporary social life approach. During the years of the turn of the century, Mestres becomes one of the few authors of the previous generation accepted by most representative sectors of Catalan Modernism, such as the magazine L’Avenç and the weekly magazine Joventut. He will also be one of the first known writers who will support the spelling reform promoted by L’Avenç, in the second stage of the magazine (1889-1893). Moreover, Apel·les Mestres publishes the most emblematic "book-art object" of the modernist movement, the poem Liliana; he is actively involved in various campaigns of so-called "Catalan Lyrical Theater". Between 1906 and 1923, Mestres stands as the main detractor of noucentisme, the politico-cultural movement led by the Catalan politician Enric Prat de la Riba. The progressive and rebellious social projection of Apel·les Mestres grew tremendously in that period, because, in opposition to the prevailing neutralism of official sectors, the poet took a radical Francophile position in relation to the Great War. In short, this thesis seeks to highlight the key role that represents the life and literary works of Apel·les Mestres as a representative of the Catalan popular culture during his career that lasted over sixty years, demonstrate the artistic strength of its currency –the defense of the freedom of the artist– and give him the place he deserves in the history of Catalan literature ​
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