Social Sales: una nueva manera de intermediación turística online

The evolution of tourism has experienced different circumstances due to changes in the tourism intermediation system. These changes occurred since the beginning of modern tourism. One of the cyclic changes was the introduction of the tour operators that generated a distribution model towards the intermediation; while the Internet caused the maximum disintermediation in its beginnings. Now, ICT has taken a leading role in its use becoming a growing trend and an opportunity to create new relationships, also the aggregators and the use of mobile platforms such as communication channel. This research presents the beginning of a new cycle in the near future, which aims to shape a new relationship between customer and supplier towards the disintermediation. Social Sales is the model presented as a new relationship between supplier and consumer, which returns to a direct connection between supply and demand with a personalized treatment. Social Sales combines ICT, direct treatment, on an online distribution channel capable of being a new model that may conduct to the disintermediation ​
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