Modelo de atención al parto dirigido por matronas frente al dirigido por matronas y obstetras en el Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona
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Objective: To analyze the model of care in normal childbirth, attended
by midwives, compared with a medicalized care model (attended by midwives and obstetricians) in vaginal, instrumental or caesarean delivery
studying the health and wellbeing of mothers and newborns at delivery,
birth plan assess, the satisfaction of users and complications and readmissions of women and newborns post-discharge in the two models.
Methods: Prospective and longitudinal study conducted at the Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital of Girona from March to May 2010 of
women going into labour. We studied the sociodemographic variables
of women, satisfaction with the process of childbirth, health status of
infants at birth, and complications and hospital readmissions of mothers and newborns during the first month post-discharge. Statistical
analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows.
Results: We studied 99 women in labour with a mean age of 30.3
years. 31.3% of pregnant women had a natural birth (non-medicalized),
with a higher satisfaction score in this model. We observed no differences
in biochemical variables and heath status of newborns according to the
type of delivery, except that the Apgar score at 5 minutes of natural birth
newborns was higher than in newborns that had medicalized deliveries.
There were no differences when comparing complications between the
two models of care in either the mothers or the newborn babies.
Conclusions: There were no significant differences between the two
models of care in the mothers with regards to health and wellness, durte el primer mes post-alta. En cuanto a los bebés, los nacidos de partos
normales presentaron puntuaciones iguales o superiores en el test de
Apgar a los 5 minutos
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