Effect of the Boron Content on the Amorphization Process and Magnetic Properties of the Mechanically Alloyed Fe92−xNb8Bx Powders
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The effect of the B content on the microstructural, structural, and magnetic properties of partially amorphous Fe92−xNb8Bx (x = 5, 10, 15, and 20) alloys has been investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, high and low-temperature extraction-type magnetometers. The XRD results reveal the formation of a nanocomposite structure where nanocrystalline bcc α-Fe and Fe2B phases are embedded into an amorphous matrix. The FeB boride is observed for higher boron contents (x = 15 and 20), and the crystallite sizes are in the range of 7–24 nm. As the B content increases, the amorphous phase-relative proportion and coercivity increase, whereas the saturation magnetization decreases. An important magnetic hardening occurs by lowering the temperature from 400 to 5 K for x = 20% B. The variation of the Curie temperature can be attributed to the heterogeneity of the amorphous matrix