Sexo sin palabras: la función del silencio en el intercambio sexual anónimo entre hombres

Anonymous sexual exchange between men is a common practice in various public spaces. It takes place in a context marked by sexual segregation, a context in which heterosexual logic becomes hegemonic and discredits all behaviors and desires that escape the man/woman binomial. This anonymous sexual exchange presents itself as a response to the need to satisfy sexual desire between men in a context which is hostile towards them. This exchange, like any other social activity, is marked by norms and consensus which regulate it, but also leaves room for silence in order to guarantee the maximum anonymity between the participants. Thus silence becomes an indispensable tool within the sexual contract as well as a guarantee of secrecy, translating the dominant discourse which makes sexual difference invisible into a process of negotiation and agreement between men who participate in this kind of interaction ​
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