Circular Economy Practices among Industrial EMAS-Registered SMEs in Spain
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The Eurobarometer report from December 2019 revealed that 80% of European Union
(EU) citizens believe that industry is doing too little to protect the environment and that more work
needs to be done to help companies transition to a more sustainable economic model. In recent
years, the EU has made the Circular Economy (CE) a priority, and an environmental management
system based on the EMAS Regulation can help companies achieve this goal by assisting them in
analysing and measuring an efficient and sustainable use of resources. Thus, this study analyses
EMAS companies’ environmental statements in order to identify and quantify the CE practices they
have implemented. Findings identify 23 circular practices and show that the majority of companies
focus their efforts on reducing emissions by optimizing the materials cycle and improving internal
production processes. Eco-design stands out as the main driver amongst the circular transformation
practices. This study has also detected a lack of uniformity in the way companies quantify the various
circular practices currently operating, or how they communicate this information. These results may
be useful to companies, professionals and administrations responsible for promoting the CE, and it
can also provide guidance on what information to include in future environmental statements