Serious games for visually impaired players and to promote first-aid protocols

Serious games are games designed to entertain and also to teach or transmit some knowledge. They are present in many areas such as military, health, manufacturing, education or medicine, just to name a few. One of their main advantages is their capability to recreate scenarios to experiment with situations that otherwise would be impossible in the real world due to required safety, cost, and time. In addition, serious games enhance the development of analytical and spatial, strategic, or psychomotor skills. Unfortunately, despite the advantages of serious games there are still some aspects that need further research and development. On the one hand, there are communities such as visually impaired players which have many difficulties to access them since most of serious games rely on impressive graphics and immersive visual experiences. On the other hand, there are topics of relevant importance such as first-aid protocols that have been considered but only taking into account players with experience on the topic. With the aim to overcome these limitations and exploit serious games advantages as much as possible. ​
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