El papel de la orientación sexual en el bienestar subjetivo de las personas gay, lesbianas y bisexuales
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The objective is know the role of sexual orientation of Lesbians, Gay and Bisexuals (LGB) in their subjective well-being, and at the same time deepen in what are the factors that influence their sexual orientation.
This thesis is based on two studies. The first, using quantitative methodology starts with the application of an online questionnaire to both LGB and heterosexuals. The results indicate that LGB people value their subjective well-being, overall happiness and life satisfaction below heterosexual people. In the second qualitative study, five men with a gay identity were interviewed. The results have suggested that being gay, the process of forming a gay identity and disseminating gay identity and orientation in society, are aspects that must be taken into account as potential influencers in the field subjective well-being.
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