Resilience of aquatic metacommunities: implications for disturbance recovery

During the last years, there has been an increase in the number and intensity of disturbances, and their consequences related with global change, which have corroborated the already forecasted scenarios. One example are wildfires, which are expected to increase both in intensity and extension in the near future. However, although the extensive research carried out to understand wildfire impacts, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding its consequences on freshwater temporary ponds. These temporary habitats constitute small biodiversity reservoirs, holding singular and iconic fauna. Nowadays, these habitats are endangered mostly due to habitat loss. Consequently, to cope with the future climatic scenario, which predicts an increase in wildfire disturbances as well as greater habitat loss, it becomes mandatory to better comprehend and study wildfire impacts on these small biodiversity jewels.Throghout this thesis I study the Jonquera wildfire consequences on the Albera temporary ponds ​
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