Análisis criterial del testimonio infantil y adolescente en casos de violencia sexual

Bravo Correa, Montserrat
A criteria analysis of 200 legal statements of child and adolescence sexual violence (CAVS) cases with guilty verdict has been performed. Interactions among age, sex, scope (intra and extra familiar) and frequency (chronic, episodic or unique) within the declarations given by children and adolescences between 4 and 17 years of age were studied. Declarations were obtained by qualified forensic psychologists who applied the NICHD Protocol (2000, 2007) during the phase of the instruction of the judicial proceedings. Results show that factors age, scope, and frequency studied determine the appearance of the criteria, while the factor sex is not significant. The generalized composition of the current criteria systems that do not serve the mentioned factors are criticized and we propose a new system that extends and diversifies different listings with more specific criteria, is proposed along with an integrative and ponderate model of the criteria analysis (MIPAC) that contemplates age, scope, and frequency. ​
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