Cervical consistency index as a valid predictor of spontaneous preterm birth in pregnant women: a prospective cohort study
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Preterm birth is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in perinatal population,
and its incidence has increased in the last decade. The current methods to predict
if a pregnancy will end up in a spontaneous preterm birth have been demonstrated
not to be accurate. Cervical consistency index by ultrasound is a new tool created
with the aim to predict accurately if spontaneous preterm birth will occur or will
not occur, but more studies need to be conducted in order to introduce it to regular
clinical practice and pregnancy follow-up.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of the second-trimester
cervical consistency index (CCI) to predict spontaneous preterm birth in pregnant
It is a prospective cohort study including all kind of pregnancies between 19 − 22'
WG, performed in the Hospital Universitari Doctor Josep Trueta. The sample size
is of 419 women.
The main variables will be CCI —calculated by doing the ratio between the
anteroposterior diameter of the cervix at maximum compression and at rest— by
ultrasound and the occurrence or not of spontaneous preterm birth. Patients will
be followed up until delivery, so the maximum time will be 23 weeks
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