A pain-coping approach for chronic patellofemoral pain syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial
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Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome, or PFPS, is a high prevalence condition,
especially amongst the young female population, but despite this, diagnose and
treatment are not yet well established and as many as 50 % of patients continue to
experience symptoms on the long term. Recent research shows patients with long term
PFPS have worse overall mental health, as well as hyperalgesia and lower pressure pain
threshold, indicating possible centralization mechanisms. These findings pose the
question of a multidisciplinary approach to PFPS treatment, with physical as well as
psychological interventions.
Objective: To determine if pain coping skills training reduces PFPS symptoms
compared to a sham psychological intervention.
Design: This is a randomized, parallel-group, single blind, sham-controlled clinical
Participants: Adults between the ages of 18 and 50, living in the province of Girona,
Spain, diagnosed with PFPS with symptoms lasting for longer than 3 months.
Intervention: Pain coping skills training or non-directive counselling. All groups will
also receive exercise rehabilitation
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