Chapter 3: Case studies: 3.6. Using CMEMS and the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas sentinel network to track ocean warming effects in coastal areas

Bensoussan, Nathaniel
Dominici, Jean Marie
Kersting, Diego K.
Kipson, Silvija
Kizilkaya, Zafer
Ocaña, Oscar
Peirache, Marion
Zuberer, Frédéric
Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste
Linares, Cristina
Zabala i Limousin, Mikel
Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno
Pisano, Andrea
Garrabou, Joaquim
Case study of chapter 3 of report number 3 on Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State. The case studied consisted of the use of the satellite CMEMS and the Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas sentinel network to track ocean warming effects in coastal areas ​
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