Parameterization of Soil Hydraulic Parameters for HYDRUS-3D Simulation of Soil Water Dynamics in a Drip-Irrigated Orchard
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Although surface drip irrigation allows an efficient use of water in agriculture, the heterogeneous
distribution of soil water complicates its optimal usage. Mathematical models can be used to simulate
the dynamics of water in the soil below a dripper and promote: a better understanding, and optimization,
of the design of drip irrigation systems, their improved management and their monitoring with
soil moisture sensors. The aim of this paper was to find the most appropriate configuration of
HYDRUS-3D for simulating the soil water dynamics in a drip-irrigated orchard. Special emphasis
was placed on the source of the soil hydraulic parameters. Simulations parameterized using the
Rosetta approach were therefore compared with others parameterized using that of HYPROP + WP4C.
The simulations were validated on a seasonal scale, against measurements made using a neutron
probe, and on the time course of several days, against tensiometers. The results showed that the best
agreement with soil moisture measurements was achieved with simulations parameterized from
HYPROP + WP4C. It further improved when the shape parameter n was empirically calibrated from
a subset of neutron probe measurements. The fit of the simulations with measurements was best at
positions near the dripper and worsened at positions outside its wetting pattern and at depths of
80 cm or more