Intrinsic enzymatic properties modulate the self-propulsion of micromotors
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Bio-catalytic micro- and nanomotors self-propel by the enzymatic conversion of substrates
into products. Despite the advances in the field, the fundamental aspects underlying enzymepowered self-propulsion have rarely been studied. In this work, we select four enzymes
(urease, acetylcholinesterase, glucose oxidase, and aldolase) to be attached on silica
microcapsules and study how their turnover number and conformational dynamics affect the
self-propulsion, combining both an experimental and molecular dynamics simulations
approach. Urease and acetylcholinesterase, the enzymes with higher catalytic rates, are the
only enzymes capable of producing active motion. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal
that urease and acetylcholinesterase display the highest degree of flexibility near the active
site, which could play a role on the catalytic process. We experimentally assess this
hypothesis for urease micromotors through competitive inhibition (acetohydroxamic acid)
and increasing enzyme rigidity (β-mercaptoethanol). We conclude that the conformational
changes are a precondition of urease catalysis, which is essential to generate self-propulsio