¿Feminización de la psicopatología o psicopatologización de lo femenino? Construcciones discursivas de cuerpos vulnerables = The feminization of psychopathology or the psychopathologization of the feminine? discursive constructions of vulnerable bodies
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In this article, we review the role of the psychological disciplines in pathologizing
and hyper-embodying the intersubjective functioning of women and of people
with non-normative sex-gender ascriptions. To this purpose, we explore how
some diagnostic categories that are more prevalent in women are related to the
socio-scientific construction of women as psychologically vulnerable; the explanatory sufficiency attributed to biology in understanding and justifying genderbased inequalities and subordinations; the effects of individualization, universalization and essentialization of relational distress, as well as the disciplinary penalties exacted on non-masculine and non-heterosexual bodies and life forms, in general. We base the above on a discursive analysis of various fragments obtained
from interviews with mental health professionals, through which we make visible
how gender-based hierarchies of subjective functioning are constructed