Snowman Editor : A level design tool for the game A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build
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In the design of video-games, one of the most important aspects to consider is the difficulty in the design of
the different levels. A common problem is the possibility of finding possible solutions that were not planned.
These solutions may not be desired because they can break the game dynamics. Hence, it is introduced the
idea to create a tool to facilitate the design of those levels by detecting unwanted solutions.
This problem can be seen as a Planning problem, since, given the game state and the possible actions the
player can perform, the solutions a level may have can be searched. Once the solutions are found, those that
were not considered in the original design can be removed.
Usually this unwanted solutions are shorter, therefore easier solutions, than the designed solution. One of
the goals of this project is, given a level, find the optimal solution, which will allow to check if there exist
any solution easier than the designed one. Finding an optimal solution is not a simple task since exploring
a game search tree by uninformed algorithms can be impossible in a reasonable time. Hence, one part of
this project will be focused on reducing this previously described problem to Satisfiability Modulo Theories
(SMT ).
Since finding the optimal is a hard problem, in this project, two different problem relaxations will be presented
which will allow to solve the problem in a plausible time